Create a Release from Contracts

Create a Release from Contracts


Create a release within AutoEDI that has been received via email, fax, or post. 


Releases that are received in non-electronic form, such as via Excel, PDF, or print out, may be captured into AutoEDI through the Manual Release Creation Process. The user may manually enter data through the Manual Release Creation Process.
As the capturing user, you should have the following information at hand before you begin:
  1. The Customer Part Number
  2. The Customer Purchase Order Number
  3. The Release Reference Number
  4. The Last Delivery Note Number Received by the Customer
  5. The Last Delivery Quantity Received by the Customer


Creating the Release Header

You require access to the Forecast Screen to create a manual release.
The Release Header is created from the Contracts Tab of the Forecasts Screen.
  1. Click on Contracts.
  2. Filter by Customer.
  3. Filter by Customer Stock Code.
  4. Double Click on the Part Number in the Data Grid.
The Create New Release Wizard is shown.
  1. Review the Customer Information to ensure that it is correct.
  2. Click on Next.
  3. Enter the Release Reference.
  4. Select the Release Date.
  5. Enter the Cumulative Received as the Customer has stated on their release.
  6. Enter the Customer Purchase Order Number.
  7. Enter the Last Delivery Note Number as stated by the Customer.
  8. Enter the Last Delivered Quantity as stated by the Customer.
  9. Optionally, tick the Copy Previous Forecast checkbox to use the Detail Demand Data from the last Accepted Release.
  10. Click on Create.
A release header is created, and if the Copy Previous Forecast checkbox was ticked, the Detail Demand Data is copied across. AutoEDI then displays the Forecast Details Screen.
Using a previous Release Reference may generate a Duplicate Release Reference Warning. Where possible, always use the reference presented by the Customer.
The Release Date should be the date as presented on the Customer Release, even if the Release is captured at a later date.
Ensure that if the Customer is configured as a Cumulative Aware Customer, that the cumulative is correct on the Customer Release Document. Failing to do so may lead to incorrect In Transit calculations and either inflate, or deflate the demand requirement.
Ensure that if the Customer is configured as an Enforce Document Matching Customer, that the Cumulative Received, Last Delivery Note Number, and Last Delivery Note Quantity are correct and match data within your ERP system. A mismatch here will result in a Document Error: Cumulative Mismatch, or Document Error: Unable to Calculate Cumulative Error.

Creating and Editing Release Demand Data

The Forecast Demand Data data grid lists all of the demand in the release. If the user selected the Copy Previous Forecast checkbox, the demand data from the previously accepted release is displayed. If the user did not select this option, there will be a single line of demand with a 0 required quantity.

Add a Demand Line

  1. Double Click on the asterisk of the new line.
  2. Double Click on the date entry to edit the date, or click on the drop down and select a date.
  3. Double Click on the quantity field and enter the demand quantity.
  4. Optionally, double click on the Release Reference field and enter a Release Reference.
  5. Press Enter to save the Demand Line.

Edit a Demand Line

  1. Double Click on the date entry of the line to be edited.
  2. Select the new date.
  3. Double Click on the demand quantity of the line to be edited.
  4. Enter the new demand quantity.
  5. Optionally, double click on the Release Reference.
  6. Enter the new Release Reference.
  7. Press Enter to save the demand line.

Delete a Demand Entry

  1. Click on the line selector of the line to be deleted.
  2. Press the delete key.
  3. Click on Save Release to Save the Changes.
Use the Tab key to move between Demand Date, Demand Quantity, and Release Reference in the Forecast Demand Data data grid.

Use Enter to save a demand line.

When using Enter or Tab to create a new line, the Demand Date will be the previous line of demands Demand Date + 7 days.

Saving and Validating the Release

Ensure that once the manual release has been created that the release is saved.
Once you have Saved the Release, click on the Validate all button.
The default status of a newly created Release is Unvalidated.

A release with zero demand will automatically change to Pending if validated.

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